University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
The 2nd International Symposium on Computational Life Science
CompLife '06
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Announcing CompLife '06

Call for Participation

The 2nd International Symposium on

Computational Life Science

will be held at:

Cambridge University,

Department of Chemistry, Lensfield Road

27 - 29 September 2006
Pictures from the conference are online now!

The CompLife 2006 program is now on the web giving details of the sessions on:

Systems Biology
Molecular Informatics
Data Mining
Moelcular Simulation
Computational Neuroscience
Biologica Networks/Metabolism


Our speakers at the conference will be:

Wed 27th September, David J. Wales
Thurs 28th September, Daniel Zaharevitz
Fri 29th September, Hans-Christian Hege.

Free Software Session

The presentation of free software will be held on the first day of the conference. Please look at the Program page for a brief overview of the software being introduced.

Day Tickets to CompLife 2006

If the sessions on a specific day particularly interest you, you can purchase a ticket for that day to visit CompLife 2006.

Cost of day ticket: € 150

The fee includes coffee breaks, lunch and a copy of the conference proceedings.

If you wish to attend the conference dinner at Emmanuel College, on September 28, you must purchase an additional dinner ticket, costing € 70.

Contact Heather Fyson for more details.

Conference Dinner

The dinner will be held at Emmanuel College on Thurs 28th September. People attending the conference are welcome to purchase an additional dinner ticket if they wish to bring a guest. If you do intend to bring a guest, please try to let us know in advance.

If you would prefer a vegetarian meal, please let us know. Cost of conference dinner ticket: € 70

This conference is organized jointly by the Unilever Centre, Cambridge University, UK
and ALTANA Chair for Bioinformatics and Information Mining, Konstanz University, Germany.

University of Cambridge

Last modified February 06, 2007 by